All-sky fireball camera at Jodrell Bank

All-sky fireball camera at Jodrell Bank

Over the summer we installed an all-sky camera at Jodrell Bank Observatory which is designed to automatically detect bright ‘fireball’ meteors.

The camera is part of the SCAMP/FRIPON network which uses multiple views of the same fireball from different locations to calculate its trajectory. The aim is to determine origin and the location of any meteorites which might make it to the ground.

Read more in this blog by Professor Katie Joy of Manchester’s Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences.

View of the Lovell Telescop at Jodrell Bank behind (and through the transparent protective dome of) the all-sky camera.
View of the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank behind (and through the transparent protective dome of) the all-sky camera. (Photo: Tim O’Brien).
A circular all-sky view with the horizon around the outer edge. The Lovell Telescioe is visible at left, and in the middle is the streak of a bright fireball.
A fireball meteor during the 2022 Perseid meteor shower captured on the all-sky camera at Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK ( This meteor was estimated to be at an altitude of 80-110 km and moving at around 60 km/s.

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